Streamline, version, and collaborate on what matters across your tech stack.
Monitor granular changes of impact initiatives as you collaborate with internal and external stakeholders and eliminate costly API calls, complex integrations, or ETL for processing timely data exchanges.
Integrate identity-based counterfactuals extracted from activities and outcomes to inform and include the right stakeholders just in time to mitigate risks and contextualize initiatives with local ethical norms.
Treat multiple sources of data, from first-party data collection to data curation, with a white-glove and avoid the unnecessesary costs of duplicating, storing, and securing unused data . Data isn’t hard when we don’t overthink it.
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A new way to empower the communities you serve.
By placing a single button on your website, your brand can safely and privately engage citizens into the entire lifecycle of your brand's commitment to social responsibility and community impact.
Describes the communities that your customers are a part of or care about when they engage into sustainable development through your brand.
CitiWave streamlines the way citizens get access to and handle their own public and community data that matters most to them, making it easier to independently and collectively drive impactful change in their community.
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Infrastructure for empowering the communities you serve.
Verify your impact on humanity and scale social impact without violating human rights and ethics.